This photo was taken on June 25th, 2021 for Parker's FIRST birthday! (His actual first birthday was on July 4th, 2021!) Happy belated birthday Parker! Yes, we have a FOURTH OF JULY BABY! :) & It was such an awesome experience, to be able to capture these moments in such a way, for his family to cherish for a lifetime! So as for the photo session... His mother decided she wanted to do a red white a blue theme for his shoot (because of his birthday being the 4th of July - obviously). And we also decided on a fishing theme. We set up at a local historic village and the spot I wanted was already taken.. (even though I got there early). SO I found another spot, and it ended up perfect.. even with the lake in the background! Parker is such a good baby. He was a true joy to work with! I was thinking to myself, "How did I get this lucky?!" Just looking at this photo, you can see exactly what I am talking about! He posed, he knew exactly what he was supposed to do.. We handed him a fishing pole.. he fished. We asked him to sit, he sit. He smiled. He is such a great little model.. so like the title says above.. I think I found the next GERBER BABY! His photo session went very well. The family got so many amazing photos to choose from! They were happy. I was happy. I am glad that I was able to photograph Parker. It was a great day & I got to meet and hang out with such a cool little guy! He truly is a blessing!
