Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've updated.. but I'm back. I've been busy doing a lot of photo sessions, working my assistant deli manager job & life.. And I was using Zenfolio (which I've always had good experiences with in the past-actually GREAT experiences).. until NOW that is! For anyone who reads and follows THIS, I'd like to share with you a link to my REGULARLY updated blog/photo site (My FLICKR Account) . Anyhoo, I was using Zenfolio for my client's photos.. That way they could view their images in a password safe gallery to view, save, share, order prints and products, download etc.. and It was all put together for me (pretty easy) etc. So I was paying for this site (as far as I know - at this EXACT moment- I still am).. until they read my email. So I've been having some BAD experiences with them lately. So FIRST I joined with them again and used my free trial and created my new site. Once my free trial was over (I paid for my account). No problem right? Wrong. So I uploaded some client's photos and they were gone. In fact, my whole zenfolio was GONE! Ut oh! So I contacted them, as it turns out they upgraded their servers and I just happened to be stuck in the middle.. So they canceled my original site and I had to rebuild. They apologized. OKAY FINE, I got over it and rebuilt again.. (Already had issues because of this with my clients it got fixed). So then I had some recent shoots and uploaded them.. shared the galleries (password protected) with my clients.. And so I'm informed today that the site is gone AGAIN. All of their photos etc. AGAIN?! After I'm paying (wayyy too much for far too many problems that I could have even foreseen happening!!!) I'm paying CLOSE to too much for NO PROBLEMS... and to keep having my site taken down and having upset clients ... and having to rebuild.. I'M DONE! I snapped.. I sent them an email.. A very Long email. Flipping out. I cannot even begin to imagine what their reasoning is THIS TIME.. and NO I'm not AT ALL interested in building ANOTHER Zenfolio. I want my $$ back, ALL OF IT. And I'm done. And everyone will be hearing about this in the reviews. (I'm PRETTY popular in my reviews btw). So I can't wait for this one... If you've considered it. Don't use them. It's not worth the headache. I'm disgusted with them and I'll never use them again. Period. They did me dirty. Three times now. And I'm disgusted! I used them back in 2010-2011 and paid for the whole year (which was only $100 then) and it was a fantastic experience! Great customer service etc. NOW, It's way over priced and nothing but headaches. I'm not sure who is running that site.. but I'm going to put my time and energy for my client's and my own sake... ELSEWHERE.. Before I lose customers & seriously have a stroke. DO NOT use Zenfolio. Your WELCOME.